lördag 1 mars 2014

Datblygu - Merch Ty Cyngor

11 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

hey there,
is there any chance you could please
re-up Alain Bellaiche's Sea Fluorescent album?
it is impossible to find elsewhere.
thanks a lot in advance.

Anonym sa...

hey there,
is there any chance you could please
re-up yourself, you seem a bit absent the last months?
it is impossible to find elsewhere.
thanks a lot in advance.

Anonym sa...

was that comment refered to me?

Alessandro Rose sa...

I was very lucky to find Dr.Oduduwa during my searching for marriage counseling and love expert online website. My name is Andrea Maria from Stockholm-Sweden, few days ago i read a posted comment from a Spanish lady called Katie mburgs. She shared testimony how She meet her true love man (she find a life partner) after being single mother for about 14 years, but immediately she contact a Spiritual healer(Oduduwa) to lunch a Love-spell of Attraction and Love spell to break every bonds of loneliness. Two weeks after she find true love, and today she is engaged getting prepared to Christman and New Year vacation to celebrate love with her new found love. I was very happy for her sharing her love testimony and how she find such miraculous help, i copited email address.
Few days ago i remembered sending email messages to same man and asking for his helo I did also, to restore my marriage, also attract more love and trust into my love relationship with Ambrose my Husband. we are married for more than 6years and yet leaving apart, i have tried several times to invite him come living and build a happy home with our two kids, he will not agree because he was afraid of marriage life and maybe chase other younger girls i believe, i love this man and i want my children to grow together with him having a full complete family, i did all possible means to get help all over the world until i meet Oduduwa email address online blog posted comment. I'm happy i did copied his email address from the posted comment and send message to him asking for help becuase that simple and easy step changed my life to joy and happiness today, Oduduwa Powerful Spiritual-man save my marriage, He did all the love spelling on my behalf during mid-night hours at his Temple according to him. I do nothing only i was asked to provide spelling ingredient items required to make luanch love spelling prayers, i strictly obeyed and follow all instructions in purchasing all spelling items required for spell power to activate, i did all necessary becasue i believe in what i want for Christmas for my children i promised my kids we all are going out on Xmas vacation with their dad coming with us, so i have to fulfil my promise to my children, i did all possible best for quick and urgent solution, I could'nt have done this possible without the help of Baba Oduduwa the great, I would have given up and believed my husband was seeing someone else, then we were done. I'm glad i took a bold step of faith and today i am very happy living together with my love man and my children are happy.
I promised Dr.Oduduwa i will share my testimony to the world as i meet his contact online blog comment section as this, it save my life and marriage, so therefore i will like to share to save others because i believe most people are passing through hell all in the name of fake love and marriage don't work, today you reading this you have greater opportunity to contact Dr.oduduwa for such help and any other issues as following;... Love spell portion to find and discover true love,
Love Relationship Counselling, Building Trust and commitment in marriage relationship, Bringing back true love and care for each other, Divorce case solution, Stop court case on Child Custody, Love spell to bring back lost love etc.
This work is miracle and I'm grateful to this Spiritual marriage healer that helped me. i recommend him for anyone having marriage or relationship crisis today quickly consult this Spiritual spell caster to return ex love.
Note: Please this for only those who are desperate and determined to find true love and restore back broken marriage should send message to contact Oduduwa for help email address: (dr.oduduwaspellcaster@gmail. com)

UFA747 sa...

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Thanks, โฆเซ่ เรน่า

garin sa...

Your article is great. Come in, read my stuff, click.
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UFA747 sa...

Nice Information! I personally really appreciate your article. This is a great website. I will make sure that I stop back again. These are some really great tips! Another important note is to make sure you give completely specific instructions to your cleaning staffs.


garin sa...

Your article is great. Come in, read my stuff, click.
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Anonym sa...

I recently discovered this wonderful blog. If you are seeing this message, please restart. All the links have disappeared, so I'm searching for music on Apple Music and creating playlists.


Anonym sa...

Hey! Sorry for the late reply! Thanks for tuning in and for your kind words. We had some good years. Sadly we are not able to reup the links. Someone made a 57-hour long (!) playlist on Yuckify though...

Anonym sa...
